Summer Maintenance Tips: Air Filter


The summer maintenance tips continue.  Take out the check-list and add air filter to the list because that is what we are covering next.

As the summer season approaches, it is the perfect time for an air filter inspection.  Thanks to all that dirt and other gunk in the winter, the air filter can get pretty clogged up.  Having a dirty air filter can do damage to your fuel efficiency.  According to HowStuffWorks, replacing a clogged-up air filter can have a positive impact on your gas mileage by as much as 10 percent.

Normally the recommendation for changing an air filter is at 12,000 miles.  This figure does not take into account the amount of driving or the environment driven in.  If you are typically driving through dirty places, such as gravel roads, then you’ll be needing to keep a closer eye on the air filter as it will clog up faster than someone who spends their time on a highway.

Checking an air filter is easy and you will be wanting to look for extreme dirt.  Don’t fret if the air filter is slightly dirty, that is fine and normal.  It is obvious when the air filter is in dire need of changing.  So yet another part to look into before setting out on a summer vacation trip.

If you need help with looking with the air filter or any of the other maintenance tips we’ve mentioned thus far, then contact us at Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge’s service center.  Be sure to like us on Facebook and to follow us on Twitter to see our monthly deals and service specials.

Image courtesy of Stoonn /

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