Get Your Car Clean for Spring

The weather in New York seems to be finally making the change over from a winter that went on for way too long into a sudden jump in heat.  For many, the concept of ‘spring cleaning’ is in their minds as the seasonal shift begins.  While the idea of spring cleaning is usually associated with the home, the car is an important place to take care now that it is and will be warmer out.

One of the first places to start with caring for the car is cleaning it.  You can visit the car wash and save some time, but for the people planning on handling it themselves for the weekend.  For those people, wants to remind people to wash underneath the car and in the wheel wells.  This will help drivers both clean off the buildup of road salt that most likely occurred during the winter season.  This will also help cut down on the corrosion caused by that buildup and can help prevent rust.

The next place of focus should be the interior.  Spend some time organizing the vehicle, including the glove box and making sure all the paper work is in order and where it needs to be.  Throw away any trash that’s built up and give those seats a good vacuuming to get all the stuff that snuck its way in.  If you have floor mats or carpeting, it is worth it to spend the time giving it a proper scrubbing.

Another worthy piece of advice would be to change the wiper blades.  The winter may have done a good number on them and it is always a good thing to make sure they are ready for weather.  If the recent rain is any indication, we may be in for a stormy summer in New York.  So replace those wiper blades, you can find great deals on wiper blades in our Service Specials page.

There is plenty more tips to take into mind when cleaning, but these three are a good place to start.

Get Ready for The Blizzard of 2017!

A big snow storm is slated to hit the east coast and dump a bunch of ice and snow on the New York area.  This is after warmer weather has been on the rise so many drivers have been prepping for spring weather only to now be hit once again with winter.  Here is how to be best prepared for the ice and snow to come.

  • Top off your windshield wiper fluid and keep an extra bottle in your car.
  • Make sure your battery is fully charged.
  • Know if your vehicle has anti-lock brakes or non-anti-lock brakes as this will decide how you brake.  If you have anti-lock, you want to use steady pressure, if you do not, then pump the brakes.
  • Have materials such as sand in your car in case you get stuck in the snow or ice and need some extra traction.
  • Check to make sure your tires are properly inflated.
  • Always have your gas tank at least half full so that the gas line doesn’t freeze.

If you want to have your car looked at, then you can schedule a time to be seen by the service department at Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge by going to our service tab on the website.  You can also keep up with your service appointments by downloading our mobile app to view details in real time on your vehicle when brought in for a service appointment.

Winter Weather Driving Advice

Winter Weather has come later than expected, but that doesn’t mean it is ever too late to educate yourself on what you can do to keep yourself safe on the road during this weather.  AAA has a breakdown of numerous things you can do to make sure this winter driving season is a safe one.  Here are a few that we feel the need to highlight.

Don’t drive while tired:

This is one not mentioned too often on lists like this.  Most of what we speak about is what one can do to help a car to work at its best during the cold season.  Not many people take the same care of themselves that they do the vehicles they drive.  You can do all the prep work possible but if you are too tired to properly react, then it will not matter.  Take care of yourself, get the right amount of sleep, which can go a long way in reducing risks on the road.

If you become snow bound, stay with the vehicle:

This is a vital thing to keep in mind.  Staying in the car may seem like it won’t get rescue to you any faster, but it can help to keep you alive for longer.  The car is capable of providing better shelter than being stuck outside in terrible weather can.  It is also much easier to identify for the rescuers.  A car sticks out, a person not as much.  This is also where your winter emergency kit should be to help deal with waiting for a tow truck or rescue.

Don’t be in a hurry:

Plan ahead and know what the weather will be.  If the road conditions are expected to be hazardous, give yourself plenty of time to deal with the additional traffic and time needed since you should be driving slower and more cautiously.  As long as you don’t get yourself in a rush, you can give yourself the time to be slower on dangerous roads.

Get some sleep:

If there is some bad weather, you need your wits about you.  There’s plenty of reason to get caught up on sleep, but during the winter, you need to get plenty of sleep so that if something happens on the road, you can react accordingly.  Get sleep and avoid making a bad decision when the moment counts.

Careful on hills:

Don’t just gun it up a hill by laying the pedal on the floor.  If you get stuck up the hill, you’re just going to spin your wheels.  The best way to approach is by building up some momentum and let that carry you up the hill.  At the top, that is when you want to slow down to go down the hill as slow as possible so you don’t lose control.

I feel these are winter driving tips that get missed.  There’s plenty more and I highly recommend checking out the entire list that AAA has put together, but these needed reiterating most of all.

If you want to have your car looked at, then you can schedule a time to be seen by the service department at Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge by going to our service tab on the website.  You can also keep up with your service appointments by downloading our mobile app to view details in real time on your vehicle when brought in for a service appointment.

Getting Ready for the Cold


The cold should be coming soon to New York.  Hopefully, maybe, it just may.  It will happen eventually, and now may be the best time to make sure your car is ready for it.  Here is some useful things you can do to help your car when it comes time to turn on the heater.

  • Check your vehicle’s antifreeze.  Low temperatures can do some serious damage to your vehicle.  Make sure the antifreeze is at the right amount to ensure this doesn’t happen.  Also know what the effectiveness of your antifreeze is so that you are aware of the safe temperature range it has.
  • Inspect the vehicle’s hoses.  Pop the hood and look over the hoses.  Check for bumps or soft spots in the hoses.  If there are any cracks or issues, it can cause damage to your engine at the worst possible moment.  Not that there is any such thing as the right possible moment for an engine to break down.
  • Look at your air pressure and the treat on the tires.  This is what will be keeping you on the road during the cold.  A classic test for the tire tread is by using a penny.  Put the currency in the groove and see if the Lincoln Memorial is covered.  If not, time to contact a service center about getting some better tires.
  • Check the battery.  Colder weather can provide one mean workout to a battery.  If it is already weakened, then a winter this cold could be the final straw.

If you need to schedule a time for your vehicle to be serviced, contact us at Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge.  You can also download our mobile app to schedule a time and keep an eye on the status of your vehicle once it’s been taken in.  Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more service tips and specials.

Summer Maintenance Tips: Air Conditioner


The summer heat is hard enough to deal with, imagine doing it with an A/C that isn’t properly working.  With July almost over, that doesn’t mean the heat is going away.  Here is some tips on making sure you’re A/C is working properly during the summer so that it can keep you cool through the heat waves.

The biggest issue with a car’s air conditioning is that the driver doesn’t have as much control over maintenance as with other aspects of the vehicle.  If you suspect there is something wrong with your air conditioning that is a sign to get it in as soon as you can to a service department for someone to work on it.  An easy way to quickly identify a problem is just to feel the air coming out.  If it isn’t as cold as it should be, or even cold at all, it is a clear problem.

If the A/C is not working, there is a more important reason to have it fixed than simply comfort.  A failing air conditioning on a vehicle can impact the car.  The serpentine belt also powers other parts of the car, such as the water pump that keeps the engine from overheating.  If the A/C isn’t working right, this could cause your vehicle to overheat and nothing good comes from that.

If you need to get your air conditioner checked be sure to contact our service department to set up an appointment time to be seen.  Be sure to by liking Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge on Facebook, following on Twitter, or subscribing on YouTube.

How to Take Care of Your Ram Truck in the Summer

Ram Trucks Summer Care Advice

With the summer heating up, now is a good time to start practicing some good care habits for your Ram truck. Here is a few tips courtesy from Ram themselves on how to make sure that your Ram survives a hot summer filled with traveling and rough terrain.

Regularly Cleaning It:

By doing this, you clear the truck of any loose particles of sand or dirt that could lead to smaller scratches in the paint as time goes on. Down the line, those damages can lead to rust, so be sure to clean your truck regularly or after a particularly dirty trip. Also, when cleaning the truck, don’t do it in direct sunlight, pick a spot that is shaded to avoid uneven drying.

On the flip side, be sure to take the time to dry. Don’t just leave the truck to dry on its own, do the work yourself. By using a towel, you’ll better remove the dirt and particles from the vehicle.


It can take some time, but by waxing your truck, you’re giving it an added shield against mother nature. Waxing helps make sure that your truck is able to not get scratched up easily by the environment. If you use a higher quality wax, it can even keep the temperature down on the truck’s paint, helping the pain to last longer.

Be Careful of the Sun:

Sun is great and all, but it can cause fading on your truck. This doesn’t mean to avoid driving in the sun, but where you keep it. It is best to park your truck in the shade such as a garage so that the sun doesn’t bake your paint job and cause your vehicle to look worst as the years go on.

If you need to service your truck, be sure to contact our service department to set up an appointment time to be seen.  Be sure to by liking Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge on Facebook, following on Twitter, or subscribing on YouTube.

The Importance of Oil Changes


Oil changes can be incredibly annoying and is one of the things many drivers tend to ignore.  So what happens to your car if you go too long without an oil change?

One of the most common ways to think about oil is that it is the “blood” of your car.  It is essential for your vehicle, it what lets the metal press against metal without damaging anything.  Without the oil, so much friction would be created by that action that bad things would follow.

Keeping the same oil in the vehicle is also a bad thing to do.  Here’s what happens; the oil collects dirt that the filter will no longer be able to remove due to it becoming clogged.  The second is the oil’s effectiveness at reducing friction wears down.  That makes the oil inside the vehicle thick which will cause more wear on the car.  As that oil gets dirtier and dirtier, it wears down the engine and eventually it will fail.

For this to occur, the oil has to be in your car for quite a long time.  We’re talking in the neighborhood of thousands of miles past the point of when you should’ve changed it.  Don’t put yourself into this situation.  Oil changes are an important part of your car’s life and making sure to have it done properly and regularly is vital to making sure your vehicle does not break down.

If you need to get your oil changed, stop by Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge’s service center.  We’ll schedule you in to be seen in our service center and make sure everything is working properly.  You can also keep up with your service appointments by downloading our mobile app to view details in real time on your vehicle when brought in for a service appointment.  Be sure to by like Bayside on Facebook, following on Twitter, or subscribing on YouTube.

Tips for Winter Traveling

Winter Driving - QueenscjdofBayside - 01

The ice and snow have not come, at least, not yet.  Cue the dramatic music!  Yes, the weather for the New York area has held out, but if the past few years are any indication, there is some nasty weather coming after the new year.  Maybe this year will be different, but maybe it won’t.  No one ever lost anything by being ready.

What can you do to prepare for driving in bad weather, in the snow covered streets?  There’s plenty of tips and things to do so we’ll just scratch the surface.  Business Insider gave plenty of examples and here’s a few.

  • Top off your windshield wiper fluid and keep an extra bottle in your car.
  • Make sure your battery is fully charged.
  • Know if your vehicle has anti-lock brakes or non-anti-lock brakes as this will decide how you brake.  If you have anti-lock, you want to use steady pressure, if you do not, then pump the brakes.
  • Have materials such as sand in your car in case you get stuck in the snow or ice and need some extra traction.
  • Check to make sure your tires are properly inflated.
  • Always have your gas tank at least half full so that the gas line doesn’t freeze.

Check out the full article for more tips on how to make sure that you don’t run into any issues traveling should the bad weather finally arrive to the Big Apple.

If you want to have your car looked at, then you can schedule a time to be seen by the service department at Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge by going to our service tab on the website.  You can also keep up with your service appointments by downloading our mobile app to view details in real time on your vehicle when brought in for a service appointment.

Summer Car Maintenance Tips: Tires


If the heat is any indication, Summer is upon New York. Time to start getting ready for summer traveling. As traditional as it is, this is the time when most families plan for and travel to their vacation spots using the family vehicle. In order to keep your vehicle working under what is bound to be some hot weather. Here is some advice on how to get your car ready for summer driving.

The first place to start is with the tires. It should go without saying just how important healthy tires are to driving. However, many people underestimate the wear and tear that extreme hot and cold can have. 2013 was both a very hot and very cold year and one bound to have done a number on various tires. A trick to see the amount of tread on the tire is with a penny. Stick the currency into the tread and if Lincoln is suddenly missing a head, that’s a good thing. If not, then it is time to consider getting new tires.

While on the subject of tires, it is vital to regularly check the air pressure in the tires. With the cold weather gone, check your manual or the sidewall of the tire to see where the tire pressure should be for summer heat. Having an under-inflated tire can wear on the sidewalls of the tire. Add heat and pressure to that mix and it can lead to a blown tire, one that can happen at the worst possible time. So avoid putting yourself in that predicament and maintain your tires.
A bonus to having a properly maintained tire at the right air pressure is what it can do for fuel economy. For summer traveling, saving money anywhere is a plus. A properly inflated tire can save up to a gallon of gas per month. Might not seem like much at first, but that can quickly add up.

Stay tuned for more summer vehicle maintenance tips in the coming blogs. If you need more help or would like a professional to look over your vehicle to see if it is ready for summer, contact our service department at Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge. Go online and schedule a time to be seen and we can evaluate your tires to make sure they are road ready. Be sure to like us on Facebook and to follow us on Twitter for more auto tips and special monthly offers.

Image courtesy of Grant Cochrane /

Cold Weather Auto Maintenance Tips


Winter just doesn’t want to go away.  Cold weather has been hanging around for so long that I’m starting to wonder if we’ve just entered the world of Day After Tomorrow.  The tidal wave could come any moment.  That means that it is time to make sure that your car can contend with the continuous cold and survive until the New York summer gets here.  Survive the cold that is, I don’t think you can tidal wave-proof your vehicle.

Check your vehicle’s antifreeze.  Low temperatures can do some serious damage to your vehicle.  Make sure the antifreeze is at the right amount to ensure this doesn’t happen.  Also know what the effectiveness of your antifreeze is so that you are aware of the safe temperature range it has.

Inspect the vehicle’s hoses.  Pop the hood and look over the hoses.  Check for bumps or soft spots in the hoses.  If there are any cracks or issues, it can cause damage to your engine at the worst possible moment.  Not that there is any such thing as the right possible moment for an engine to break down.

Look at your air pressure and the treat on the tires.  This is what will be keeping you on the road during the cold.  A classic test for the tire tread is by using a penny.  Put the currency in the groove and see if the Lincoln Memorial is covered.  If not, time to contact a service center about getting some better tires.

Check the battery.  Colder weather can provide one mean workout to a battery.  If it is already weakened, then a winter this cold could be the final straw.

There’s plenty of more tips to keep in mind in confronting a new cold front coming into the New York area.  Check out some more here.

If you need to schedule a time for your vehicle to be serviced, contact us at Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge.  You can also download our mobile app to schedule a time and keep an eye on the status of your vehicle once it’s been taken in.  Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more service tips and specials.