Is Your Car Ready for the Cold?

Winter just doesn’t want to go away.  Cold weather has been hanging around for so long that I’m starting to wonder if we’ve just entered the world of Day After Tomorrow.  The tidal wave could come any moment.  That means that it is time to make sure that your car can contend with the continuous cold and survive until the New York summer gets here.  Survive the cold that is, I don’t think you can tidal wave-proof your vehicle.

Check your vehicle’s antifreeze.  Low temperatures can do some serious damage to your vehicle.  Make sure the antifreeze is at the right amount to ensure this doesn’t happen.  Also know what the effectiveness of your antifreeze is so that you are aware of the safe temperature range it has.

Inspect the vehicle’s hoses.  Pop the hood and look over the hoses.  Check for bumps or soft spots in the hoses.  If there are any cracks or issues, it can cause damage to your engine at the worst possible moment.  Not that there is any such thing as the right possible moment for an engine to break down.

Look at your air pressure and the treat on the tires.  This is what will be keeping you on the road during the cold.  A classic test for the tire tread is by using a penny.  Put the currency in the groove and see if the Lincoln Memorial is covered.  If not, time to contact a service center about getting some better tires.

Check the battery.  Colder weather can provide one mean workout to a battery.  If it is already weakened, then a winter this cold could be the final straw.

There’s plenty of more tips to keep in mind in confronting a new cold front coming into the New York area.  Check out some more here.

If you need to schedule a time for your vehicle to be serviced, contact us at Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge.  You can also download our mobile app to schedule a time and keep an eye on the status of your vehicle once it’s been taken in.  Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more service tips and specials.

How to Maintain Tires Properly


It is time again for the winter season and that means getting the car ready for the colder weather. There’s plenty of things to check inside and out on your car to make sure it is ready for a mild or rough winter. One part of the car that can be overlooked in the process, however, is the tires. Having a proper amount of air is a big deal with a car and can really effect things such as fuel economy. It is something that many drivers put off and we’re here to help you know when it is time to check the air in your tires.

The first thing you need to know is what the proper inflation amount is. Check online and/or with your vehicle’s owner manual. Don’t use the number on the tires as this is not the recommend pressure for inflation but rather the maximum inflation. Trust what your car’s owner manual says, not the tire.

Eye-balling is not a helpful thing to do with trying to figure out if a tire is low. Invest in a tire-pressure gauge so you can know the exact amount of air inside of the tire.

From there, get your car to a place where you can refill the air in the tires and keep a read on the inside pressure and make sure it matches with the recommended amount. This is also a good time to check your spare tire as that tends to get forgotten when most people check the air on their tires. Always make sure the spare is ready for duty should the worst come to pass.

Remember that you can schedule a time to be seen by the service department at Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge by going to our service tab on the website.  You can also keep up with your service appointments by downloading our mobile app to view details in real time on your vehicle when brought in for a service appointment.

Keeping Your Vehicle Running During Summer


New York is already midway through the summer and the heat is just unbearable.  Few things can wreak havoc on a vehicle like a summer heat wave here in the city.  It is best to prepare to face the worst as the humidity and temperature rise, so here are a few tips to help ensure your vehicle’s survival this summer.

That’s sort of misleading since the first place to start has more to do with the driver than with the car.  A car’s air conditioning will help you survive the worst heat in the summer.  Treat it right and make sure you don’t get yourself stuck in traffic on a 90 degree in what would be described as a metal can.

An air conditioning in your car isn’t something that is easy for the average driver to find out if something is working.  That’s why it is best to have it handled by the professionals, such as those at (plug) Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge.  In fact, (2nd plug) the dealership’s service department is running a special for the month to help drivers and their air conditioners.

Get your air conditioning checked out for $129.95.

We?ll continue to look at more tips for getting your vehicle ready for summer heat as the weeks go on.  Remember that you can schedule a time to be seen by the service department at Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge by going to our service tab on the website.  You can also keep up with your service appointments by downloading our mobile app to view details in real time on your vehicle when brought in for a service appointment.

Summer Maintenance Tips: Air Filter


The summer maintenance tips continue.  Take out the check-list and add air filter to the list because that is what we are covering next.

As the summer season approaches, it is the perfect time for an air filter inspection.  Thanks to all that dirt and other gunk in the winter, the air filter can get pretty clogged up.  Having a dirty air filter can do damage to your fuel efficiency.  According to HowStuffWorks, replacing a clogged-up air filter can have a positive impact on your gas mileage by as much as 10 percent.

Normally the recommendation for changing an air filter is at 12,000 miles.  This figure does not take into account the amount of driving or the environment driven in.  If you are typically driving through dirty places, such as gravel roads, then you’ll be needing to keep a closer eye on the air filter as it will clog up faster than someone who spends their time on a highway.

Checking an air filter is easy and you will be wanting to look for extreme dirt.  Don’t fret if the air filter is slightly dirty, that is fine and normal.  It is obvious when the air filter is in dire need of changing.  So yet another part to look into before setting out on a summer vacation trip.

If you need help with looking with the air filter or any of the other maintenance tips we’ve mentioned thus far, then contact us at Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge’s service center.  Be sure to like us on Facebook and to follow us on Twitter to see our monthly deals and service specials.

Image courtesy of Stoonn /

Summer Maintenance Tips: Hoses & Belts


Last week we covered taking care to look after the oil in your vehicle.  This week continues the check-list for summer maintenance by staying inside the hood.  Now that the oil is taken care of, let’s see how the belts and hoses are doing.

If I was able to compare the oil to the blood of a body, then the belts and hoses would be the skeleton and muscle system.  And the veins…really we should just drop this whole thing, it’s getting too confusing.  Anyhoo, hoses in a vehicle are made to get things where they need to go.  The specific place we’ll be looking at is the radiator as well as the coolant.  These hoses are meant to make sure your car stays cool in the summer heat.

To start with, it’s time to pop open the hood again and do a visual and physical examination of the engine and the hoses.  Look for cracks or loose connections.  Check if the hose is firm, it should not be soft or easily malleable.  The last thing any driver wants is for one of these to spring a leak or come loose during a drive.  That can lead to the car overheating and putting you on the side of the road waiting for a pick-up.

Do the same for the belts in the vehicle.  Check them over for cracks or any other forms of damage.  These are another piece of equipment you do not want failing at the worst possible time.

If you need to get your vehicle’s hoses and belts inspected, then contact us at Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge’s service center.  Be sure to like us on Facebook and to follow us on Twitter to see our monthly deals and service specials.

Source: HowStuffWorks

Summer Maintenance Tips: Oil Changes


Last week we covered a summer maintenance tip of checking to make sure tires are ready for the heat.  The next step in the maintenance check-list for the summer is the vehicle’s oil and oil filter.

To use an analogy, the oil in your car is akin to the blood running through your system.  It is a necessary thing to keep the vehicle going smoothly.  Unlike blood, however, oil needs to be swapped out and changed for cleaner oil.

The majority of owner manuals recommend an oil change every 7,500 miles.  For people who change oil for living, like yours truly at the dealership’s service department, we recommend that the oil is changed every 3,000 miles or every three months.  The reason for this is due to the driving that happens during summer to be harder on the engine thanks to the extreme heat.

To start the process in checking your oil, let your car run for a little bit.  Make sure it is parked on a level surface and then turn off the engine.  Crack open that hood and find out where your oil dipstick is.  Use that to measure two things, the level of the oil and the appearance of it.  For how it looks, the oil should be a brownish yellow and clean on the stick.  If you notice any dirt then it is time for an oil change.

Keeping oil changes on schedule and up to date will do a lot to benefit the car’s life-span.  Keep track of each time your get an oil change and turn either doing it yourself or bringing it into a service center to get it changed.  Another habit to get into is checking the oil right before any major trips, such as a family vacation.

That’s it for this week’s summer maintenance check-list tip.  Stay tuned for more!

If you need to get your oil changed, then contact us at Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge’s service center.  We’ll get you in and out and on the road.  Be sure to like us on Facebook and to follow us on Twitter to see our monthly deals and service specials.

Summer Car Maintenance Tips: Tires


If the heat is any indication, Summer is upon New York. Time to start getting ready for summer traveling. As traditional as it is, this is the time when most families plan for and travel to their vacation spots using the family vehicle. In order to keep your vehicle working under what is bound to be some hot weather. Here is some advice on how to get your car ready for summer driving.

The first place to start is with the tires. It should go without saying just how important healthy tires are to driving. However, many people underestimate the wear and tear that extreme hot and cold can have. 2013 was both a very hot and very cold year and one bound to have done a number on various tires. A trick to see the amount of tread on the tire is with a penny. Stick the currency into the tread and if Lincoln is suddenly missing a head, that’s a good thing. If not, then it is time to consider getting new tires.

While on the subject of tires, it is vital to regularly check the air pressure in the tires. With the cold weather gone, check your manual or the sidewall of the tire to see where the tire pressure should be for summer heat. Having an under-inflated tire can wear on the sidewalls of the tire. Add heat and pressure to that mix and it can lead to a blown tire, one that can happen at the worst possible time. So avoid putting yourself in that predicament and maintain your tires.
A bonus to having a properly maintained tire at the right air pressure is what it can do for fuel economy. For summer traveling, saving money anywhere is a plus. A properly inflated tire can save up to a gallon of gas per month. Might not seem like much at first, but that can quickly add up.

Stay tuned for more summer vehicle maintenance tips in the coming blogs. If you need more help or would like a professional to look over your vehicle to see if it is ready for summer, contact our service department at Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge. Go online and schedule a time to be seen and we can evaluate your tires to make sure they are road ready. Be sure to like us on Facebook and to follow us on Twitter for more auto tips and special monthly offers.

Image courtesy of Grant Cochrane /

Spring Vehicle Maintenance Check-List

ID-10085780One of the first things I heard when I moved out to New York concerned the weather.  I was told “Don’t like the weather?  Just wait.”  It wasn’t too clear to someone who came from a region with four discernible seasons, but after a few years I get it.  Spring is coming, and it can’t figure out if that means warm or cold.  What that means for you, as an auto owner, is that it’s time to make sure your vehicle is in working order.

Pat Dougherty, the VP of Sales at Mopar, put together a list that drivers need to have checked out as the weather warms up.  “Vehicles need to be in shape for the summer travel season.  Preventive maintenance keeps vehicles on the road longer and save customers money in the long run.”

Here are the parts that need checking:

  • Engine, Belts, Hoses, & Fuel Filter:

Replacing belts and hoses on a regular basis helps to avoid a breakdown or engine damage.  Replacing the fuel filter will make sure that your engine is running properly and will maximize your fuel economy.

  • Tires:

Check the air pressure for all of your tires.  That includes the spare.  If the pressure is off, that can lead to premature ware.  That, in turn, leads to decreasing your fuel mileage.

  • Brakes:

Brakes are used frequently throughout a single day.  Every time the brakes are applied, a thin layer of the pad disintegrates.  Make sure you inspect and replace those pads to ensure proper performance.

  • Oil:

Make sure your engine oil level is checked often and changed and refilled on a regular basis.  If the oil is dirty or too low, you can experience engine problems.  Not something you want happening to you in New York summers.

  • Air Filter:

Replacing a dirty filter will help protect your engine from airborne contaminants.  The car will get better air flow.  That helps decrease on fuel consumption.

  • Fluid Levels:

Dirty fluids have an impact on the performance of your vehicle and can lead to breakdowns.  Make sure you’re checking that everything is filled to the proper levels and on a regular interval.

  • Battery:

It’s been a rough winter and that meant some rough cold-morning starts.  Make sure there’s no corroded terminals or cracks on the case.  It’s never fun to have a battery fail in the middle of the city.

  • Shocks & Struts:

A rough winter also hurts the city streets, filling them with numerous pot-holes.  Make sure you have a smoother ride by seeing if those bumps caused any damage.

  • Wiper Blades:

Spring brings with it plenty of storms.  Don’t get caught in the rain with broken wipers.  You never want to have to fight to see through a downpour.

  • Headlamps, Tail Lamps, Turn Signals, & Hazard Lights:

Always make sure your lights are in proper working order to avoid two things, accidents and the cops pulling you over for a citation.

Bring your vehicle into our service department and we’ll give it the look over to ensure it’s ready to face the on-coming weather.  Best to get it out of the way before your vehicle develops problems on a road-side and your great vacation out of state has turned into a few hours waiting for the tow truck.

Schedule an appointment online at our website or contact us at 888-425-7294.  Like Bayside Chrysler Jeep Dodge on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for a full list of our special monthly offers.

Image courtesy of Surachai /